“My maid wants to send money home, where can she do so?”
“I want to send money to Myanmar, which shop I can go in Peninsula Plaza?”
“What are some money remittance companies in Peninsula Plaza that my maid can send money home?”
These are some very common questions that we get from employers and Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs) pretty frequently.
This article aims to provide some reliable sources that maids can send their hard-earned money home at Peninsula Plaza.
In July 2020, The Straits Times reported that 6 businesses were being investigated for unlicensed cross-border money transfer services in Peninsula Plaza.
Money Remittance Service Providers
Here are some licensed money remittance service providers that you can engage to help your maid send money home at Peninsula Plaza:
1. JC Global
Peninsula Plaza
111 North Bridge Road
#02-61 Singapore 179098
2. Western Union
Peninsula Plaza
111 North Bridge Road
#01-17 Singapore 179098
Tel. +65 6338 5231
3. GCC Exchange (S) Pte Ltd
Peninsula Plaza
111 North Bridge Road
#06-14/15/16 Singapore 179098
Tel. +65 65600673
Apart from the abovementioned remittance and money transfer service providers, FDWs can also send money via internet means such as:
1. Singtel Dash
2. DBS Remit (Click to read Related Article)
Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is provided for the purpose of providing information and to the best of our knowledge. GM Connection Pte Ltd is not in any way linked to any of the organisations or companies or institutes mentioned above. GM Connection and its staff disclaims any liability and shall not be held responsible in any way in connection with the use of the information provided.