New Work Permit Cards
From 24 August 2020, there will be a new version of the Work Permit Cards for Foreign Domestic Workers (FDWs) issued by the Ministry of Manpower to FDWs who are new to Singapore or FDW who have changed employers (Transfer FDWs).
In this latest update, the new Work Permit Cards will not feature the employer’s details i.e. name or address. However, these information can only be displayed on scanning the QR code on the card using the SGWorkPass app. The SGWorkPass App is available for download from Google Play Store (for Android users) or App Store for Apple users.
Who will it be issued to?
The new version WP Cards will be issued to FDWs who are employed from 24 August 2020. What that means is that existing FDWs who are in employment before 24 August 2020, will not be receiving the new version Work Permit Card.
However, employers may opt to replace their maid’s work permit card at a fee.
Scenarios where foreign domestic workers will receive the new version Work Permit Cards:
A. First-time FDWs to Singapore
B. Transfer maids who join a new employer from 24 August 2020
C. Maids who have reported their Work Permit card as missing
Sample Preview of the New Version Work Permit Card and SGWorkPass mobile app screen.
Ministry of Manpower: EA Alerts 06/2020
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