First Time Employing a Maid?



If this is your first time employing a maid, it must have been quite a tiring process (and probably confusing too) to try and find out, sort through and make sense of the huge amount of information. 

In this article, we have carefully summarised and picked out the key information that you need to know regarding hiring a maid in Singapore. It provides what you need to know from the mandatory Employer’s Orientation Programme (EOP) to the selection of a reliable maid agency. It also covers the hiring process from shortlisting to interview and deployment of maid to you.

In the two quick reads provided below, it provides all you need to know in a nutshell for the first time FDW employer.

hiring a maid in Singapore

how to interview maids

Disclaimer: All information provided in this article is provided for the purpose of providing information and to the best of our knowledge.GM Connection and its staff disclaims any liability and shall not be held responsible in any way in connection with the use of the information provided. 

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